21842 – zondag

Afternoon run. Distance 8km. Cloudy, 22 Celsius and a lot of wind.

Start and finish location:

Halfway and turning after 4km:

Finished a few gardening actions from my to-do lists, including a small stroke of our property which is out of sight and we always forget to remove the weeds until our neighbor start complaining (in a gentle way). 

Parade of old-skool tractors in front of our house. I thought I was too late and did only see the end of it, but there were much more coming by and I took some nice pictures as well.

“Parents place their wriggling infants, some of them crying, on mattresses spaced about 200 metres apart. The idea is that by leaping over the babies, the colachos protect them from sin and disease. Some of the celebrants believe this literally; to others, it is only a tradition.”

Leaps of faith: the Spanish festival where men jump over babies – www.theguardian.com/world/202…

Sunday morning. Trying to finish today: De Franse Revolutie 1 – van revolte tot republiek by Johan Op de Beeck 📚 #books #reading

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