20642 – donderdag

Hoe veilig is videobellen? Covid-19 neemt toe in de VS. Wedstrijdje 'frozen hair' in Canada.

Tip: De gratis is versie heeft nu een upgrade gekregen => “Ook WebEx, de videoconferentiedienst van Cisco, is als veilig alternatief populair”. => Is Zoom wel veilig? En vijf andere vragen over videobellen – NRC

Fresh cases of Covid-19 continue to rise rapidly in the US […]. Of course, with wildly differing testing regimes in different countries, and accusations that China is hiding the true extent of its outbreak, such comparisons ought to be viewed in context. => Fresh cases of Covid-19 continue to rise rapidly in the US while Spain and Italy have started to see fewer fresh cases each day – The Guardian

Canada’s outlandish hair freezing contest offers much-needed laughs https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/hair-freezing-contest-canada/index.html… via @CNNTravel

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